Sunday, April 25, 2010


It is very HOT in Thailand right now. If any of you want a nice tan, now is the time for a visit to this tropical country! Speaking of visiting...My brother, John, is coming to visit me in August!!!! No words can fully express how excited I am about seeing him. Prayer that he will be able to raise enough money to come would be appreciated. The time of year he is coming is the start of the high season for tourism so tickets tend to be pretty expensive. He will be here for a whole month and then we both will be coming back to the States together in September! Yay!

I am currently in the north again in Khorat. I will be spending this next month with my friend, Margaret, and her family while the Stubenrauchs are on a sabbatical. It is a huge blessing from the Lord to me to be able to come up here. Margaret's family has been a great encouragement to me since I've been in Thailand. Taking this month to be with them is going to be (and already is) a good time to gather my thoughts and be refreshed in my walk with the Lord. This may seem kind of small to some, but for this farm girl, to be back around horses again is also another blessing : )