Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Good Night Sleep and John in Sudan

Thank you for praying for Jeremiah! I think he is feeling a little bit better this morning. He slept through the night without coughing, which also means I got a full night's rest too! :)

( *Edit: Since writing the above, I have learned that Jeremiah in fact did NOT sleep through the night, but went upstairs to my parents room, not one, but three times. And one of those times slammed his bedroom door shut. I heard nothing. I guess I was tired. lol ....I also want to mention that baby Malachi is sick too)

   I realized this morning that I never did post anything about John leaving! He left on October 11th for South Sudan and will be returning home on November 9th. He's there to see what can be done to help an internally displaced people group return to their village which was raided by the LRA awhile back. I am so proud of him, especially since he went there by himself! But, ugh! A whole month without my brother has been quite boring at times ( no offense to mom and dad!!!). I miss him so much!

It's one of those times when you realize just how much you love someone. It also makes me realize how much we have been talking and spending time together lately.  I can honestly say that John is one of my best friends. I hope these next two weeks go by quickly!

If you think of him, please pray for him. Thank you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Prayers please!

Well, Jeremiah is sick again. He was up several times during the night and had to have a breathing treatment.  The poor little guy is doing a little bit better this morning, but could definitely use some prayer.

I hate it when he's sick. Breaks my heart. Please heal him, Lord.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Starting over"

   I have been so inconsistent these last two years with posting on here, and I think it's because I got into the mind set of whatever I posted had to be eventful. Which is not why I started blogging years ago. It started out to be more of a daily journal for me to look back upon later; And I want to keep it that way.

So, I'm getting back to the basics, so to speak! I'm going to post about the seemingly little, daily things that happen. Some days it may be about our family and other days it may be about what the Lord has been doing in my heart lately. Today is about a couple of those "little" daily things that we can never have back :)

Like Malachi being 10 months old already and has learned to sit up by himself  and also has four teeth (Yes, nursing has become quite eventful for my mother nowadays). Oh, and he has had a hair cut since this picture was taken.

Here's Matthew eating blueberries until he almost looks like one himself :) He was quite proud of being so messy.

I praise God for this time I have with my family. I would have no one to blame but myself for taking our days together for granted :) Which in "saying" all this, I think my season of writer's block has been overcome! haha