Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jeremiah: Heart Check-up

For those of you who did not know, Jeremiah's heart has been fully relying on a pace-maker since he was 6 months old (he is now 4yrs.). The doctors told us that if anything was to happen to his pace-maker, he would die. Well, I want to declare that YES God does answer prayers!!! Jeremiah went for his yearly checkup in Lexington today. The doctor said that his heart is now able to beat 42 beats a minute ON IT'S OWN. And now if anything was to happen to the pace-maker, Jeremiah would still live.

We realize that it's not right to live in fear, but, needless to say I think we were able to let out a beautiful, deep breath today. I cannot even begin to explain the joy that is in our hearts. And although we don't really understand why the Lord is allowing Jeremiah's healing to take so long, one thing we do know is that He is faithful and our prayers have not gone unheard.

I want to thank those of you who been praying for Jeremiah for these past four years. You are great blessings in our family's life.


  1. Wow! That's amazing news! God is so good! I knew that Jeremiah had heart surgery when he was very young, but didn't know any details. He seems like such a sweet little boy and brings life to those around him. Praise God for the good report!

  2. Love that little face in the picture, Meg. With the hand under the precious! Did you take that? Good news about Jeremiah's heart. Of course, we know his heart belongs to Jesus and Jeremiah's life is in His hands. Praise God!

  3. What a great God we serve! And that picture of him is adorable. :)

  4. Thanks for celebrating with us, ladies!

    @Dee ~ No, I can't take credit for the picture :) My dad took it.

  5. AHHH, that is amaaaazing! I shared that with my mom :)
