Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A little game of...

... catch-up. I feel like this game is an endless cycle with me. Maybe someday I will get a hang of coming up with something to write about on a daily basis :)

  It has been a bit over two months since I have returned from Thailand. And during this time I haven't been extremely busy, but my days have definitely been full.  And for all you curious minds, they have been mainly filled with re-capping the 15 months I was gone (which includes sorting out many different emotions), visiting friends and family, baking, making crafts, going to a weekly women's Bible study, helping with house chores (blessings!), running errands(Wal-mart should love me) and watching my little brothers.  Oh what bliss! My Lord is so good to me. I really couldn't ask for anything more. And yet, in some ways I do want to be busier. I have some ideas in mind that will hopefully solve that soon.

Inevitably, I have also been diligently praying and seeking the Lord about my future in the midst of taking each day as it comes. He has been faithful to guard me from worry and desperation to find an answer right now. Rather, I have been filled with much peace and though I do have my moments of impatience to know what the "next step" is, overall I humbly feel like I have never trusted the Lord as much as I am right now.

Many of my friends have mentioned that they have been praying for those exact things for me, so I know that our Great God is listening and cares about even the smallest desires of our hearts.

   Our home is filling more and more with anticipation and excitement as the day for Malachi's birth is approaching. Only three more weeks!!! Mom has been "nesting" the last few days. She washed all the baby's clothes and stored them away in a new storage unit that fits perfectly in the boy's closet. Today she has a doctor's appointment for a normal check-up and an ultrasound. She is bringing me with her because I wasn't here for all the other ultrasounds and this will more than likely be the last one. I am ecstatic! :)

   Well, I am running out of time this morning, so more will have to written later. Thanks for stopping by! God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I know how you feel about writing. One day...maybe.
    Oh, I cannot wait to hear about how it went! I was too young to go with Mama; we never even thought of it I am sure.
    Love you and praying always!
    Through Christ,
